Monday, August 31, 2015


Happy birthday involves eggs and flower and a great time here in south america haha! this family let us get their entire house messy with eggs and flower haha! It was a great time. 

This week I learned a lot about patience. In the gospel context it means to obey and enjoy at the same time. Its a hard task but one thing that has helped me is to not try to control something that is impossible to control. Don't let frantic feelings build up inside you and make you easy to anger. Always be full of love and willing to enjoy moments of mistakes. 

This gospel is true and the message changes lives. The world will be given the chance to accept their savior Jesus Christ and I personally will accept him. Ill give all I am to him. My time, talents, obedience, whatever it takes. LOVE YOU GUYS

funny story: Here in Bolivia there's a tradition that the people kiss each other on the cheek when they see each other. We have an investigator that lived his whole life in america except for two years here in Bolivia. He came to church and he went in to kiss the sister missionary on the cheek and the sister almost kissed him back but right before, she realized and grabbed his shoulder pushed him away and yelled NO hahaha! everyone was embarrassed and red cheeked hahaha! 

Elder Hilton

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